• E-commerce
  • E-Commerce platform
  • Business Processes Automation
  • API Integration

PC component selection web service

A versatile web service for selecting the most suitable computer components, featuring integrated CRM and WMS systems. One of the platform's key benefits is its built-in configurator, allowing users to effortlessly select all the necessary parts and components for their computer directly on the website.


Quick overview: key aspects of our work - discover the essentials of our project





Solution type

Business process automation, APIs integrations, eCommerce platform


Complex integrations, Custom web development

About the client

Understanding our client: specifics, challenges, and custom solutions

The client approached us with a request to develop a multifunctional and user-friendly web service for selecting PC components. Through this platform, buyers could seamlessly assemble their computers down to the smallest detail, compare prices for parts, and make purchases without needing to leave the website.


The project required the development of a user-friendly admin panel for efficient order management, along with integration capabilities for Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Warehouse Management System (WMS). Additionally, a user-friendly design was crucial to ensure ease of navigation, alongside a configurator feature enabling users to select components directly on the website.


We proposed advanced integration solutions for CRM and warehouse management systems, complemented by a functional admin and SEO tool vital for the client's business. Moreover, we developed a clear design and configurator function from scratch, both pivotal for the web service's success.

Key features

Project features overview: essential enhancements and strategic solutions

  • feature

    Configurator Feature

    The configurator function empowers users to select components directly on the website, facilitating a streamlined and personalized shopping experience.
  • feature

    Intuitive Interface

    An interface designed for ease of use ensures effortless navigation and an enjoyable browsing experience, fostering user engagement and retention.
  • feature

    Integration Capabilities

    The web service seamlessly integrates with CRM and WMS systems, enhancing operational efficiency and providing comprehensive data management solutions.
  • feature

    User-Friendly Admin Panel

    An intuitive admin panel facilitates efficient order management, enabling the client to oversee transactions and maintain records effortlessly.
  • feature

    Price Comparison

    The platform allows users to compare prices for different components, ensuring they get the best deals on their purchases.


Performance Showcase: Unveiling the Results of Our Collaborative Endeavors

As a result, the client obtained a functional web service allowing their customers to browse and purchase various components directly on the website. The clear and advanced configurator function simplifies component selection, expanding the customer base by eliminating the need to visit multiple sites for PC assembly. The convenient admin panel facilitates order monitoring and statistical analysis, crucial for the client's business.

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